Diversification, depth and deployment: What vehicles are available to navigate local market regulation?

Broadcast on Jun 22, 2021 from Livestream: Bonds & Loans Brazil 2021 - Virtual Conference

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Subscribe for access:

  • What are the opportunities for local pension funds and BRL dominated investors under the proposed FIAGRO legislation? How could these new pools of capital be deployed?
  • How could previously untapped liquidity help pension funds to better reconcile assets and liabilities and create a more diverse local bond market?
  • In what way can (reais issued) IPOs fuel movement of money into the local capital markets?
  • What are the next steps for HY securities and debentures to be used as vehicles to deepen the local bonds and/or loans markets?
  • How are Brazilian banks and fintechs partnering to diversify the local capital markets and reach unbanked areas of the economy?


Chief Financial Officer



Managing Director - Head of Brazil

Managing Partner

Managing Director, Head of DCM and Structured Debt