Why, how and what: Breaking down the transition and adoption of ESG principles in Russia

Broadcast on Sept 27, 2021

  • Understanding the ‘need’ to transition: What is the upside for Russian corporates who decide to embark on the ESG journey?
  • How are companies, particularly those in extraction industries, preparing themselves for the shift to sustainability, and adopting ESG into their wider business strategies?
  • What are the key factors investors are looking for?
  • Unwrapping the new sustainable finance products available, and understanding the role FIs and DFIs are playing in this growing market.
  • What opportunities will state-developed ESG standards bring and how will they impact the market? What can issuers expect from this?


Director, Debt Finance

Director, Corporate Ratings

Counsel, Global Coordinator of the Sustainable Finance Practice

Corporate Banking Director

Executive Director

Vice President for ESG

Head of Corporate Finance