How will concessions and PPPs evolve to meet Colombia's 5G requirements?

Broadcast on Apr 5, 2022 from Livestream: Bonds & Loans Andes 2022 - Virtual Conference

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  • Assessing the bankability of projects if availability payments, capacity payments and termination clauses/guarantees are removed? What further enhancements are needed?
  • How are structural and behavioural changes triggered by the pandemic changing the way financiers and sponsors model project finance transactions?
  • What lessons can be taken from 4G projects to attract investment?
  • What level of activity is expected in the secondary market? To what extent are project sponsors exiting this space?
  • Utilising guarantees and wraps to mitigate construction risk, mobilise liquidity and mature the capital markets


Senior Director, Infrastructure & Project Finance


Chief Financial Officer

Investment Director

Deputy General Manager Financing & Investment Divison

Deputy Director, Public Private Partnerships